

Pagan, wolf, shaman, chaos, warlock

Absolute Chaos is Absolute Perfection!

Hey, I’m Wolf. I’m kinda complicated. I started on my path back in 1998; my friend said he was going to an alternative religious group and asked if I would like to come along. I said yes, and started on my pagan path.

My personal path has lead me to a higher state of being. If you talk to me for a number of minutes, you will see and hear I’m very passionate about my path and abilities. When people hear ‘warlock’, the first thing they think is ‘an evil magician’. I’m not … I’m just a male witch.

The wolf, shaman part of me is linked, like the sun and the moon following each other through the sky. This part of me is possibly the hardest to define and pin down. I try to work with nature, not against her. I’m rather affected by the moon, and never sleep during the full moon phase.

Chaos …

I could talk about this part of me for hours (and have). It’s my fire, my sun, it’s my foundation on which everything is based. As I’ve said before, Absolute Chaos is Absolute Perfection. It was from Chaos that the human condition was made and to which we will all yet return one day. There is more I could go into, but I don’t want to bore you too much!